The math for static pool is straight forward: Start out with 1000 fund managers. Assess them at the end of the year. Fire the half that didn't beat the market. After the first year you have 500 survivors. After 2 years 250. After 3 years 125. And so on. If we let S be the number of survivors and P be the size of the initial pool of managers and t be the number of years, the equation would look something like this:
S = P(2)-t
And of course you can easily generalize this to allow for different drop criteria by adding a factor ρ for the ratio being kept:
S = P(ρ)-t
So what do you do when the size of the pool is changing? While I'm not directly solving the fund manager problem, I am solving an analogous one with books. Here is the scenario:
- A pool of electronic books is made available to library patrons
- When a library patron accesses a book the library pays a rental fee for a short term loan
- After a set number of loans the library purchases the book outright and the book remains as part of the library's collection
- Books are added to the pool as they become available
- Books are removed from the pool, for example a later edition is published and replaces the existing edition
- No purchased books are removed from the pool
Which is really a bunch of related problems:
- How many books will I purchase? At what cost (% of list price)?
- How many books will I rent? How many times? At what cost?
- How many books will be removed from the pool before being purchased?
count the number of items that have been in the pool at least that long and were not removed from the pool before reaching that age. So what do you think? Is that the right way to do this?
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